Monday, April 6, 2009

Driving Tips for Teenagers

Most teenagers look forward to getting their own driving license because it means greater freedom and excitement. However, statistics show that many road accidents are caused by careless teenage drivers. Road accidents can be avoided if teenagers follow a few simple driving tips.
First, you should always remember that speed kills. Most accidents involving teenage drivers occur because they simply drive too fast. They are usually unable to control their vehicle or stop in time should something unexpected happen. Speed limit signs are posted in strategic places like narrow, winding roads. Observing them is one sure way of reducing accidents.
Next, you should pay careful attention while driving. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the roads. Do not use your mobile phone while driving. You can ask a passenger to take or make a phone call for you if it is absolutely necessary. Do not fiddle with the radio or turn your head to talk to your friends in the backseat. Avoid reading names on buildings, street signs, and maps while you are driving. You should always work out the route to your destination before you embark on your trip.
Another factor that contributes to road accidents is fatigue or tiredness. You can become easily distracted if you are tired. Therefore, you should take short breaks when you drive long distances. This will help reduce the feeling of exhaustion and keep you more alert on the road.
In conclusion, whether you are driving in heavy traffic, along a narrow winding road, or on an empty highway, remember the tips given above. Many accidents can be avoided by simply being a careful, sensible driver. A good driver is one who is not only responsible for his own safety but also for the safety of the other road users.